Finishing what HE started! – December 2014

Friends of God,

By the grace of God, we are making great progress on all fronts in Honduras! We have had a very successful year and have big plans for 2015 as well. Below is an update about our year and it will let you see what is coming up also. Many have been saved and disciples are being made.

With your help and the grace of God, in 2014 we have:
• Fed over 20,000 meals to the Faces of Dreams children and others
• Provided school supplies, uniforms and shoes for about 75 students
• We are in progress of planting another church in Danli.
• Founded educational programs in two cities which will help us greatly with “making disciples”!
• Seen over 400 people “born again” into the Kingdom of God

For 2015 and beyond…..
Evangelism: We will still pursue the salvation of souls at all costs and we are still pursuing 1 million souls through crusades, church planting and other outreaches.

Faces of Dreams: We will have about 15 new children in 2015 who will need sponsors for $25 per month or $275 annually. The sponsorship includes at least one meal per day, shoes, uniforms, and school supplies for the year. This program has been a huge success!

Discipleship: I.T.C. (International Training Center)- You can also sponsor a Ministry Institute for up to 25 students for $350 per year that is accredited and will be a formal discipleship program like we have never had. You can be the sponsor of an English class for a $500 one time gift. We can truly leave a legacy through disciples and we have great programs now to do it.

New part of our Vision: In our history, we have been privileged by the grace of God to help provide about ½ of a million meals to children who are in a great need. Our new goal is consistent with our view of one million souls. We want to feed one million meals to needy people! I believe that the Lord has given us opportunities and strategies to fulfill our call and this vision. We cannot run out of resources while doing His will!

Please stay in touch! We need you to “Finish what HE started”!
Mike Patton Ministries 472 13th Ave. Dayton, TN 37321
Website: email:

In pursuit of at least a million, Mike and Pamela