2019 Update
Good Day Dream Makers and World Changers,
I trust that this new day has found you all doing well and walking in the Blessings of the Lord! Mike and I are well! We have been working on getting all 245+ children back in school for the new school year.

All food has been delivered to the schools and feeding centers. All school supplies have been presented to all the students. Uniforms have been ordered and picked up…delivery will be taking place this week. Upon delivery of the uniforms the shoe order will be made. Praise God…we are almost complete with the start up phase of this new school year!!!

Thank you Sponsors…you Dream Makers and World Changers! Because of you joining with us we will see Dreams become a Reality. Because of you we can help Change the World of each child. Change their World, change their communities. Change their communities, change Honduras. Change Honduras, change Central America. Change Central America, Change The World. Change The World, you change their world!!!

Dreams Soar on Wings of Education!!
As Always…Be Blessed!!!
Mike and PaMela