JUNE 2016

Good Day Dream Builders,

I pray that this New Day finds you all doing well. I want to send out a big…WELCOME TO FOD to all our new Dream Builders…if you recently joined with us in sponsoring one of our precious children, then Dream Builder is what you are. Together we will give these precious children the opportunity to Dream…something that they never thought possible. Together we can change lives…lives of these children and lives of their families. Once families see their lives changing for the better they start believing that “All things are Possible”. They can believe that they can be whatever they want to be whether that is a Doctor, Lawyer, Pastor, or a Farmer, Care Giver, or a Cook. They can Dream to be whatever their “Whatever” is…because of you!!! Thank you so very much for joining with us!!!

Be Blessed and Thank you for Being a Blessing,