Making Disciples- June 2014
The commandment is clear for to “go and make disciples” so we are focusing very intently on that. Almost everything that we are doing is now designed to make disciples and get them what they need to be successful. It is everything from feeding children and teaching them the basic principles of God to equipping teachers in schools with bibles and materials for them and the students. Our work includes establishing discipleship and church growth programs for pastors and getting study bibles in their hands. We helped plant a new church in a remote village with one of our pastors in March and will be part of launching another one in July when we return. We have seen signs and wonders as the bible promises as people have been healed in the churches, in the streets, and the hotels after we have prayed with them. God is moving! Here is a recap of some of the highlights of our journey thus far. You may have heard some of it but please read through it to see what God has done in just 3 months.
• Launched the Faces of Dreams child sponsorship program which is off to a great start! The children look great and are doing well. This program provides a meal each day or about 1200 meals per month and the needed school supplies for the children in Los Llanos. We still have children who need support if you are interested.
• Helped plant one church and working on another in a community called El Mirador.
• 4 churches are now using our discipleship and church growth plan and more are interested in starting when we return.
• Bought a ministry van and an SUV which will be a huge benefit as we get ready for all types of ministry along with hosting teams.
• We have a lease on a house in the capital city of Tegucigalpa that will also help serve as a mission house when small teams come.
• Hosted a team from Metro Tab in Chattanooga for week of ministry which included basketball camps, balloon animals, street and church evangelism. Around 250 were saved during the week, we gave out 20 basketballs, distributed around 1500 books of the Gospel of John and 6 full study bibles, and WE HAD FUN!
• We are partnering with pastors associations, churches, business people, and government officials for many projects in the future.
• The future is huge for sports camps here. They want to learn American football, basketball, and baseball if you would like to be involved. The evangelistic outreach will be absolutely incredible!
• We have an opportunity to start ministry schools here and there are at least three locations that have shown interest. This could be our best discipleship program yet as it formalize the education of pastors and church leaders.
• We are encouraging Hondurans to become missionaries to other nations as well. As you know, America needs the gospel and so do other countries.
• We have active works in 4 states and many cities that are scattered across the nation. The borders have expanded.
• My wife is amazing! In the last 3 months, we have been busy and moved around a lot, which you all know is more difficult for women. We have worked in 7 cities while going back and forth. We have slept in 13 different places which includes hotels and friends homes. We moved 21 times from one place to another while basically living out suitcases. Today, she is still standing and looking as beautiful as ever!
• As you can tell, we have been very busy but that is why we came!
Future Initiatives…
• Complete the plan for helping the community of Los Llanos to become independent.
• Continue to reach the lost and make disciples as commanded by our Lord.
• Host mission teams and train them to help carry the vision.
• Train the people of Honduras to become missionaries to other nations as well.
• Train and encourage the people of Honduras to start and operate their own businesses to further their independence on foreign support.
In honor of our friend, Dr. John Taylor…
In honor of the passing earlier this year of our friend and fellow missionary, Dr. John Taylor (Juanito to us), we would like to that we missed him while on this last journey to Honduras. Our friends there were deeply saddened to hear that he was gone on to be with The Lord but we also rejoiced together as we thought of the day when we will all be reunited. The precious promise of eternal life was what he helped us preach in Honduras and now he is living out that promise. We will meet again my friend!